tirsdag den 29. januar 2008

Joining Cambrian House

I own Cambrian House, Home of Crowdsourcing

Having joined the Cambrian House community, I'm thrilled to promote the idea. CrowdSourcing really is the next big thing. As a turker at Mechanical Turk I missed be able to use my skills as a programmer, and as a computer scientist. The work that I'm offered at at mturk is non-creative, underpayed and simply not for me. At Cambrian House they gave me a share of the company! So yay Cambrian House.

I'll be as active as I can manage to be, vote on projects, an participate in coding on great projects. I like the spirit of the people in the community, it's exactly what I think crowdsourcing can be.

I'll keep you posted on the progress...

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